The rise of the paraplanning manager: Building a team culture

27 November 2023

Lewis Byford, co-founder and director of recruitment firm Antony George considers how the paraplanning manager role has developed and why it requires more than just managing people. 

In financial planning, the role of a paraplanning manager has evolved into a crucial position beyond traditional managing tasks and responsibilities. As the financial industry becomes increasingly more complex, the need for effective leadership and a positive team culture is more prominent than ever. In this article, I will explore the rise of the paraplanning manager and look at five crucial tips for creating a healthy team culture in the world of paraplanning.

Paraplanning managers are essential in coordinating, supporting and overseeing the activities of the paraplanners within a financial planning business. The role has evolved to encompass strategic thinking, team development, and creating a positive work culture.

Effective leadership in financial planning requires a paraplanning manager who can think beyond daily tasks and adopt a strategic mindset for the bigger picture, providing clear direction and aligning the team’s efforts with the company’s goals.

To achieve this, it’s important to understand the firm’s objectives, client needs, and industry trends.

It’s more than managing the team. It’s about looking for new ways to improve operational efficiency to help the overall company and client objectives. It’s essential to recognise that the paraplanning manager plays a significant role in the firm’s overall success.

Creating a team culture

To help paraplanning managers create the right team culture, here are five tips to follow:

1. Communication is key

Effective communication is the foundation of a strong team culture. You need to ensure open lines of communication within the team. Regular team meetings, one-on-one check-ins, and open conversations about goals and expectations create a collaborative environment. Encourage team members to share ideas, voice concerns, and provide feedback to create a culture of ongoing improvement.

2. Invest in Professional Development

Paraplanners often deal with complex financial scenarios and evolving complete taxes and regulations. Paraplanning managers empower their team to stay ahead in the field by investing in ongoing training and professional development opportunities. This not only enhances individual skills but also contributes to the overall expertise and capabilities of the team. As the manager, they will be coming to you first; this means your own personal and professional development needs to be at the very top. Take every exam, work towards Chartered if you’re not already and continue to keep yourself ahead of the game.

3. Recognition and appreciation

Recognising and appreciating the efforts of team members is a fundamental aspect of building a positive culture. Paraplanning involves meticulous and complex work, and acknowledging individuals’ dedication and hard work boosts morale. Whether through public recognition, team awards, or a simple thank-you note, expressing appreciation creates a sense of belonging and motivates the team to excel and continue to work hard. This is easily forgotten but is one of the easiest things to do. We’ve all had bosses that pick at every little thing; you don’t want that in your team. You want your team to make you shine, but that starts with you.

4. Foster team collaboration

Collaboration is essential in paraplanning, where multiple tasks contribute to a complete financial plan. Paraplanning Managers should encourage a collaborative mindset by creating a supportive team environment. Create teamwork through collaborative projects, shared responsibilities, and a culture that values collective success. This enhances the quality of work and promotes a sense of unity within the team. An excellent way to create team collaboration is on a large or complex case, working on a board in an open office, asking the group to share their ideas, and getting the team involved.

5. Work-life balance matters

In the demanding field of paraplanning, employee well-being must maintain a healthy work-life balance. Paraplanning managers should be mindful of workload distribution and set realistic deadlines. Use the SMART method and promote a culture that values both professional and personal aspects of life. This not only increases job satisfaction but also contributes to long-term employee retention.


As the role of the paraplanning manager continues to evolve, so does the importance of creating a positive team culture. By adopting strategic leadership, prioritising communication, investing in professional development, recognising team efforts, promoting collaboration, and valuing work-life balance, paraplanning Mmnagers can create a culture that not only attracts top talent but also ensures the long-term success and sustainability of their teams in the ever-changing landscape of financial planning.

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Professional Paraplanner