Welcome to the November 2022 issue of Professional Paraplanner, the magazine for paraplanners, financial technicians and administrators.
Click here to access your copy of the magazine: Professional Paraplanner November 2022
Cover story
The new Consumer Duty rules will apply from July 2023. Melony Holman, managing director, Compliance and Training Solutions (CATS), looks at how paraplanners can help their firms ensure they are compliant with the new regime.
I can’t say that! Yes, you can. Sara Hickman and Rhi Baxter provide advice on how to have BRAVE Conversations.
Learning more effectively
How can you make your learning stick? The LIBF’s Richard Cooper shares some advice.
R0 Focus
The difference between taking an R06 Level 4 and an AF5 Level 6 exam.
Changing company
Catherine Esland, senior technical consultant, HFMC Wealth, talks about what she learned when moving company and how she adapted to the new environment.
Analysing investment bonds
How tricky can an investment bond be? When you’ve not dealt with many in the past, the answer is very, says Paula Butrynska, paraplanner, PlanWorks.
Our latest paraplanner survey asked for your views on hybrid advice.
Rational investing
Valuations have not been looking good but, asks Premier Miton Investors’ Wayne Nutland, are we about to see the flip side of the coin?
Seminar review
Professional Paraplanner’s latest Investment Committee Seminar took place in London in October 2022. In this brief review, we look at what was covered.
Sector report
Darius McDermott, managing director, FundCalibre, considers whether taking a global approach could be the simple answer we need to investment uncertainty.
Future view
Russell Barlow, Global Head of Alternatives, abrdn, explains the role of blockchain and tokenisation in the future of investment.