Paraplanners Howwow goes soft (skills)

11 September 2019

This year’s National Howwow is to focus purely on the soft skills needed by paraplanners to do their job.

Richard Allum, organiser of the Powwows, says: “Every year, in preparation for our annual National Paraplanners Powwow, we run a topic survey. Nearly every year we’re asked for something on emotional intelligence and soft skills. This demand came to a head in January of this year, when we were on a call with a number of the Powwow volunteers. It was clear that there was a demand for the Powwow to offer something in this area, so we put our thinking caps on and had a couple of conversations with supporters in order to make it happen.”

The ‘This time it’s personal’ Howwow is taking place on 12 November in London, and is a full day focusing solely on soft skills.

The day is designed for all paraplanners – whether they’re in-house or outsourced paraplanner, starting out in their career or leading teams.

Topics on the agenda will include:

  • Communicating with confidence with colleagues, advisers and clients
  • Developing relationships where you can challenge, give and receive meaningful feedback
  • Influencing and assertiveness
  • Working successfully with different personalities and developing strong relationships
  • Give feedback to challenge effectively, helping with personal development and contributing towards good advice outcomes
  • Explaining your role so those you work with truly understand what you do, how you do it and the value you bring to their relationships with client

Allum adds: The day will be led by three ‘gurus’ with Rachael Hurdman of Arch Inspire leading the day. The gurus are experienced in working with financial services teams – with paraplanners at all stages of their career and have shed loads of experience in this area. Their objective is to make sure participants walk away with a really strong action plan.”

Further details and bookings can be found on Powwow website.

Professional Paraplanner