MAY 2021

13 May 2021

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Professional Paraplanner May 2021 Issue

Jupiter – Alpha Generation through focused risk management

In this issue:


Paul Robertson talks to Rob Kingsbury about the catalyst in his life that prompted his decision to leave his head of Technical role and join The Martin Gallier Project, a mental health support and suicide prevention charity.


Adam Keen, head of Paraplanning at Arlo International, looks at ESG investing in a way that truly meets client needs

Professional bodies

This issue we have contributions from both the PFS and CISI

Caroline Stuart says the PFS Paraplanner Panel is now back and planning for the future

The CISI’s Sally Plant considers the ever growing need of the industry to recruit career paraplanners


We talk to Laura Barnes, head of Intermediary Distribution at Parmenion about how the platform makes things easier for paraplanners

Dealing with disaster

There are situations when business priorities and the team around you have to come before clients, says Michelle Hoskin

Exam prep

The Brand Financial Training team explore investment ratios

The Investment Committee

What is alternative?

While structured products are categorised as alternative investments, modern portfolio theory shows they can improve the risk/reward ratio of portfolios making them more efficient 


There is a shifting pendulum of ESG in smaller companies, Tzoulianna Leventi, Investment Analyst, Aberdeen Standard Investments explains

Darius McDermott, managing director, FundCalibre considers whether the current outperformance of value has longer legs than may be expected.

Thinking ahead

Premier-Miton’s David Jane says the fund manager prefers to navigate to the future than predict it

For this issue’s Sector considerations we look at the Healthcare sector

Professional Paraplanner