Understanding the new sustainability labels – Investment Committee Seminar

14 January 2024

Professional Paraplanner is delighted to announce that Lee Coates of ESG Accord will be joining us on 28 February at our first Investment Committee Seminar of the year, to explain the new sustainability labels and what the new rules mean in the context of Consumer Duty and suitability.

As well as advising top fund management firms on ESG/sustainability, Lee is heavily involved in the development of strategies and practical application of the sustainability rules for advice firms.

This is not just for paraplanners involved in researching and recommending sustainable/ESG/ethical investments for clients, the rules will have considerable impact for any paraplanner involved in investments within their firm.

This makes Lee’s presentation one of the ‘must-sees’ of the Seminar.

Other confirmed companies and speakers currently include, James Bird of Fidelity International, Bill Dinning, CIO of Waverton and speakers from Schroders and TIME Investment, as well as Christian Markwick, Head of Adviser Support, The Verve Group, talking on Centralised Retirement Propositions. They will provide key insights into a range of topics. These will include:

Centralised Retirement Propositions – What they are and what paraplanners need to know
Back to the future in 2024: a year of elections, recessions and everything in between
3D Reset – deglobalisation, demographics, and decarbonisation
The Power of Income: Utilising Alternatives to Help Fund Retirement
Navigating markets 2024: Key insights to help you in your research and recommendations
Further details will be announced shortly.

The Seminar takes place at etc venues, Fenchurch Street, London.


We look forward to seeing you on the day.



Professional Paraplanner