We are delighted to announce that Carla Langley, founder of the Langley Consultancy, will be presenting a series of three technical webinars for Professional Paraplanner, covering the ‘must have’ compliance knowledge for anyone involved in suitability and reports.
The sessions will give you enough information to spot the myths & nonsense around suitability report writing, and when to push back against outdated compliance.
The webinars take place on 9 October, 7 November and 4 December 2023.
SIGN UP for the first webinar on 7 November here.
The three sessions will cover:
1. Must have compliance knowledge when it comes to suitability – we’ll start by giving you the low down on the most important rules you need to know when it comes to suitability & reports.
2. Assessing suitability vs suitability reports – is there a difference between the two, and what does it mean in terms of research vs report writing? (Special attention to costs & charges comparisons, critical yields A & B, performance analysis and replacement business.)
3. Simplifying reports; what really needs to go into a report and what just needs to be on the file. Taking session 1 & 2, we’ll look at how we take everything we’ve talked about and translate that into a good suitability report. We’ll give you a solid overview of what good really should look like.
There’ll be a Q&A for questions at each session.
Carla says: “I’m really looking forward to delivering these sessions. Myth busting is one of my favourite things to do after all!”