Toxic workplace culture prompting employee exits 

29 March 2023

More than half (56%) of employees cite a toxic workplace culture as the primary reason for applying for a new job since the beginning of the year, according to new research from Walters People.

A fifth of workers (20%) blamed an unmanageable workload, followed by 18% who stated that poor work-life balance continues to be an issue. A further 6% said that a disagreement with management had led them to apply for a new job in the past six months.

According to Walters People, working for an inspiring company culture is the number one thing that attracts professionals to a job advert, ahead of flexible work and enhanced benefits packages.

Janine Blacksley, director of Walters People, said: “By and large it continues to be a candidate-driven market, with more jobs than people available. Interestingly, it is not issues relating to pay or progression that are creating this knee jerk reaction but the work environment itself, something well within the control of the employer.

“Toxic workplace cultures can very much be invisible but the knock-on effect to employee happiness is significant – from a staff members’ mental and physical safety in the workplace, to productivity levels, ideas generation and innovation.

As a result we are increasingly seeing more ‘culture matches’ in the hiring process – where both the company and prospective employee are vocal about what kind of worker or workplace they are looking for.”

Blacksley said that managers should be made aware that team morale and a positive work environment is a core responsibility of theirs and should carry out anonymous feedback surveys to find out how employees are feeling about the business and the culture. In addition, businesses should also invest time and money into creating a “friendly, social and inclusive” environment to encourage more employees to stay.

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