Your July/August issue is LIVE

29 June 2022

Your Professional Paraplanner July/August issue is now LIVE

CLICK HERE To access your copy: Professional Paraplanner July-August 2022


Profile: Where are they now?

2018 PP cover star Sarika Dhanjal, now head of Advice Quality at Progeny, talks processes, training and staying at the top of your game as a paraplanner

The meaning of value

How can we define ‘value’? Nathan Fryer, director of Plan Works considers what it may mean in the context of financial planning

Future view

How might retirement planning change over the next few years? LIBF’s Richard Cooper takes a view

Financial Wellbeing

How can paraplanning enhance a financial wellbeing service? asks Rebecca Tuck, paraplanner at Paradigm Norton

RO Focus

R0 exam candidates often consider progressing onto the AF exams. Luiza Todd shares her experiences of sitting the CII AF5 exam


Advising on ESG

While paraplanners may find that identifying the right ESG and sustainable investment fit for clients brings challenges, as Fiona Bond discovers, there are paths to follow

The shape of things to come

Changing regulations are putting ESG at the heart of the advice process, says Edward Margot, head of Client Investment Strategy, FE Investments

Cut through the greenwash

Paraplanners need access to clear, detailed and comparable reporting on ESG, if they are to meet both clients’ needs and regulatory requirements


Riding the ebbing tide

Where to invest now that the tidal wave of ‘free money’ is ebbing? David Hambidge, investment director, Multi-Manager Funds, Premier Miton Investors, explains their thinking


Tickets for THE Japan rollercoaster are getting cheaper, says Darius McDermott, managing director, FundCalibre

Professional Paraplanner