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Are you undertaking the CII R0 Multiple Choice Exams, or about to? Brand Financial Training has launched a ‘How to Pass Guide’ for each of the R01 to 5 exams, free-to-access for paraplanners. Ann Mora, operations manager at Brand provides more detail.
The thought of starting your financial services qualification can be a daunting prospect, yet many candidates are now choosing to dive straight in with the R0 exams as they make up compulsory elements of the CII Diploma in regulated financial services and the CII Certificate in paraplanning – but the R0’s are not easy!
The CII suggest between 50 and 100 hours study per subject and whilst your existing knowledge and experience may cut down the studying time, those of you who are relatively new to the industry are likely to need this amount of revision time to pass each exam. As well as a lot of technical content to learn, the style of questioning also takes some getting used to – the CII seem to have the knack of writing the questions in a style that may catch out the unprepared candidate.
At Brand Financial Training we have been supporting candidates through their R0 exams for over 10 years and one of the most common questions we continue to be asked is ‘do you have any tips for the R0 exams’. In fact, when we did a week of Q&A with Professional Paraplanner in January many of you asked this very question.
R01 and R03 seem to be the exams we are quizzed about the most which is no surprise as R03 includes many tricky calculations and has the most time pressure.
R01 is usually the starting point of the qualification and that’s not an easy starter for 10 either! There is, of course, the option for candidates to start both the diploma in regulated financial planning and the certificate in paraplanning qualifications with a certificate level exam, R05 and CF1 respectively, which are technically less challenging than the diploma level exams. However most paraplanners now opt for R01 as it will count towards the diploma should that be the target in the future.
So we asked ourselves the question – what’s the best way of getting all our useful hints and tips out to you? The answer comes in the form of our new ‘How to Pass Guide’ for each of the R01 to 5 exams.
We have put our knowledge and experience into creating succinct guides that provide an overview of what to expect from the exam and how to tackle it. It takes you through the structure of the exam, help with exam technique and walks you through some of the typical questions. We provide tips on how to approach the different style of questions and give some useful tactics for facing the dreaded multi response questions.
This is a completely free guide available to anyone taking the R0 exams. The guide is not only designed for those of you who are just starting out on your exam journey but those of you in the midst of your R0 exams as you are still likely to find some will be trickier than others along the way.
So we would encourage anyone taking R0 exams to spend the time reading the guides – it might just gain you those extra vital marks to get you the pass!
You can request your copy of the ‘How to Pass Guide’ at:
Brand Financial Training provides a variety of immediately accessible free and paid learning resources to help candidates pass their CII exams. Their resource range ensures there is something that suits every style of learning including mock papers, calculation workbooks, videos, audio masterclasses, study notes and more.