Join us this Wednesday: 7 great speakers and 5.8 hours CPD

22 February 2024

Our first Investment Committee Seminar of the year looks set to be cracker, with seven great speakers, 5.8 hours of CDP and the chance to win one of two Rocketbooks on the day.

The full day seminar will provide a range of valuable insights on the economy, markets, sustainability, regulation, central retirement propositions, and assets in client portfolios. All of which will help paraplanners navigate the 2024 environment.

This is a ‘must attend’ seminar for anyone involved in the research and recommendation of investments, as well as building and decumulating retirement planning and especially for any paraplanner involved with or inputting to their firm’s Investment Committee.


Here’s the line up:

Fidelity’s James Bird in his session entitled ‘Back to the Future’ (complete with DeLorean) will outline the geopolitical, regulatory and AI issues ahead of us.

Chris Ellis Thomas, co-portfolio manager of the BlackRock MyMap fund range will provide key information on managing low cost portfolios in  changing market conditions.

Lee Coates of ESGAccord will explain how the new SDR labels will affect paraplanning under Consumer Duty and should be handled in suitability report writing.

Christian Markwick, head of Adviser Support at The Verve Group will take a deep dive into use of Central Retirement Propositions.

Tara Jameson, CFA, Co-Manager of the Schroder Global Multi-Asset Portfolios, will address deglobalisation, demographics, and decarbonisation

Bill Dinning, CIO, Waverton will give us the benefit of his years of experience to discuss the role of 60/40 now income is back.

Amy Rumsby, TIME Investments will show how utilising alternatives can help progress client retirement plans.

In addition, The Paraplanner Club and Professional Paraplanner will be giving away two Rocketbooks in a prize draw on the day.


Professional Paraplanner