Consciously choosing positivity – the power of the mind

23 September 2024

When running a business or a team it can be easy to get wrapped up in negative thoughts, but if we counter that inner chatter we can do so much more. Ashley Wiltshire, owner of Wiltshire Paraplanning, tells how she has changed her mindset over the years of running her business.

“Your mind is a powerful thing. When you fill it with positive thoughts, your life will start to change” – unknown

How true is this statement? I don’t know about you, but I have always strived to be a good human. How running a business has tested this? LOL.

In the early years of being a business owner, there were many times I would end up crying over that really awkward conversation I had with that client. Or perhaps you can relate with that difficult person you had to speak with on the phone? How did it make you feel?

It wasn’t until I found out about a trauma a family member went through, that I really took action regarding my thoughts. My thoughts would override my ability to function normally especially with mundane challenges.

Have you heard anyone talk about their inner chatter before? You know, the voice inside you that is telling you ‘no you can’t do that’, ‘Oh I shouldn’t have said that’ ‘They will never say yes!’ ‘God I am so stupid’.

My turning point of being more aware of my thoughts was reading ‘Feel the Fear and Do it Anyway’ by Susan Jeffers and ‘The Secret’ by Rhonda Byrne. Two books I have picked up and read more than once.

This ‘inner chatter’ can affect you in so many ways – your confidence, your mood, the way you approach difficult tasks, it can even radiate to the people around you. The funny thing is, you probably aren’t aware that you are even doing it! There are studies which show the profound affect a positive mind has on physical health. The mind-body connection is powerful.

What can we do about it?

Getting a handle on your thoughts, being more aware and inserting more positive words into your mind isn’t just nice to have, it’s a vital ingredient for growth and resilience.

Whether we are facing personal or business challenges, the way we think can directly impact the results we achieve. By embracing a positive mindset, we can unlock our full potential, improve our wellbeing and steer our business towards success.

Unfortunately, there isn’t an overnight remedy, it takes being consistent and practice. Find what works for you. You may have bad days, but that’s okay. Remember, everything changes and so will this. I always use this mantra when experiencing a difficult situation.

Here are some practices you can use to try to improve your mindset:

  • Limit exposure to Negativity: Reduce your exposure to negative news or pessimistic opinions, by not switching on the news or buying the local paper. Social media is the worse these days! Be aware of what you are reading or how long you spend on social media. Don’t get weighed down by things that are out of your control.
  • Surround yourself with positivity: Spend more time with people who are supportive and lift you up. Whether in your personal or professional circle, positive energy from others can lift your spirits and encourage growth.
  • Start with gratitude: This can be hard, it takes a second to get into this one. It’s easy for us to think about the things we don’t have but what we need to focus on is the things we do have. Note down three things you are grateful for in your business or profession – maybe it was being introduced to that new client – it might not come to anything but Yes! Thank you for being introduced. Or perhaps you are thankful for that team member, going over that letter for you so you could be sure it was absolutely perfect.

In conclusion, the power of our thoughts cannot be underestimated. By becoming more aware of our inner dialogue and consciously choosing positivity, we can transform not just our own lives, but also the environments we inhabit – both personally and professionally.

Remember, while the journey towards a positive mindset can be challenging and requires consistent effort, the rewards are immeasurable. With each small shift in thought and action, we lay the groundwork for a more resilient and fulfilling life.

 Main image: Ashley and husband Sean “in one of my happy places”.

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