Welcome to the February 2022 issue of Professional Paraplanner
Access you copy HERE: Professional Paraplanner – February 2022 issue
Features in this issue include:
Red flag, amber flag
Stephen McPhillips, technical sales director, Dentons Pension Management, looks at the latest rules on pensions transfers and provides an explanation of how they will affect clients wanting to move their pensions between providers
Stepping up to the plate
Do you want to contribute more to your team or to paraplanning as a whole but feel you don’t have the confidence to do so? Welcome to the club, says Dan Atkinson, head of Technical, Paradigm Norton Financial Planning Ltd
R0 Focus
How has the CII R06 exam evolved since it came in and have these changes made it more difficult to pass? BTS’s Luiza Todd provides some insights
Time management, frogs and tomatoes
Looking to improve your productivity and squeeze more into your working day? The LIBF’s Richard Cooper provides some tips and tricks like, well, eating frogs and tomatoes…
The Triple Lock
This issue, the Brand Financial Training team turn their attention to the application of the Triple Lock on the value of the State Pension.
Establishing trust
How can paraplanners help prospective clients navigate big decisions when they have only just met them? Melissa Kidd, director of Motem Ltd, offers some thoughts on how to build trust in a first meeting
Sold up, sold out?
Consolidation is a part of the financial advice market and when a firm is put up for sale or merges it can create uncertainty and fear for its employees. Michelle Hoskin, MD of Standards International, provides some reassurance and some practical tips
For our latest Parameters survey, we asked two questions relating to the current exam structure, as posed by our paraplanner readers
Economic long Covid
Luke Bartholomew, senior economist, abrdn considers the potential for the global economy to suffer long lasting effects from the pandemic.
UK Equities
At what point are UK equities a screaming buy? In the first of a new series in which he considers individual IA sectors, Darius McDermott, managing director, FundCalibre considers the sector which keeps promising but continues to underdeliver on expectations