Welcome to the September 2022 issue of Professional Paraplanner, the magazine for paraplanners, financial technicians and administrators.
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Five attributes of a good paraplanner
What makes for a good paraplanner? Are they born to the role, or are they made? Andrew Masson, paraplanner at Acumen Financial Planning believes there are five attributes that are key for every good paraplanner
Personal development
Nothing good comes from comfort zones, say Sara Hickman and Rhi Baxter at the We Are BRAVE training consultancy
A look at the Trust Registration Service, what it is and how it works
IHT and gifting
The LIBF’s Richard Cooper looks at how paraplanners can help clients to reduce their IHT liability through gifting
RO Focus
BTS’s Alex Langhorn looks at some of the challenges faced by neurodivergent learners studying for regulated exams
Can VCTs continue to go from strength to strength in the year ahead? Triplepoint’s Jack Rose believes they can
SIPPs due diligence
Stephen McPhillips, technical sales director, Dentons Pension Management Limited, looks the practical implications for advice firms when a pension provider fails
This issue Brand Financial Training highlights key areas of learning around ESG
Market assessment
Inflation, GDP, and equity/bond correlation, there’s a lot to talk about, says Premier Miton Investors’ David Hambidge
Sector report
The long-term outlook for India remains promising, argues Darius McDermott, managing director, Fund Calibre