Exams: Ask the experts – Juggling workload and studying

7 April 2022

All this week the Brand Financial Training team will be answering questions paraplanners have submitted regarding the upcoming exams, including specific exam questions, study tips and general questions on exam technique. Check out our Development Zone for their help and insight.

Question: Do you have any tips for juggling work responsibilities and childcare with studying?! 

Answer: This is a great question! As parents we know all too well that holding down a job whilst juggling family life is hard enough in itself. If we then throw exams into the mix it can be easy to lose sight of the importance of balance and, what’s more, it can feel as though you are taking care of everyone and everything else apart from yourself.

When balancing revision, childcare and work responsibilities the challenges are particularly acute, and the demands on your time even more intense. You’ll clearly need to be on top of your game when it comes to time management and commitment, so here are some tips for keeping things on an even keel. 

Keep talking

Talk to your boss about what you’re doing and make the most of any support offered such as study leave. Your employer will hopefully be delighted you’re making such a strong investment in your own development. Equally, you will want those closest to you on board, so have a conversation with your family and friends about what you have committed to.

Use small ‘time pockets’

Even 20 minutes is long enough to get some worthwhile revision done. Whether you’re travelling, taking advantage of a lunch break or the little ones are having a nap, use the time wisely.

Audio exam resources

Audios offer an alternative to reading and re-reading study text with the added benefit that you can revise whilst getting other jobs done. Listen whilst ironing, cooking, having a bath or in the car – a great way to multi-task!

You can say no

Especially if you’re approaching any deadlines, you may have to turn down some social invitations or activities or reschedule them. Remember to tell yourself that it’s fine to do that and that sometimes you may have no choice. You friends and family should respect that you need to complete assignments or revise for exams and that this is your top priority currently.

Keep the end goals in mind

Constantly remind yourself about why you’re studying for the qualification, and what you hope to gain from having it. When the going gets tough, having a strong sense of purpose will help keep you on track. You are after all looking to progress your career which will likely include increased opportunities at work, better pay and positive changes for the family.

Prioritise, prioritise, prioritise

Ah, that old chestnut – we’ve heard it all before. But it is precisely what you need to do if you want to fit everything in. So if you’re trying to juggle cooking dinner, finishing an assignment and childcare, try writing a list and categorise tasks as negotiable or non-negotiable. Think about what can wait  – and what simply can’t. Think about how you can work with your family or friends to adapt your childcare, housework and study routines to make them more manageable.

Have a study schedule that’s realistic, with some room for flexibility in case circumstances change or the unexpected happens (It will). Don’t leave everything to the last minute.

No one can promise that studying while juggling childcare will be easy at all times, but with a bit of thought, you can work hard without losing sight of the importance of living a healthily balanced life.

Professional Paraplanner