Develop the expectation that you will succeed? – Development Zone in Association with Fidelity Adviser Solutions

15 December 2022

Develop the expectation that you will succeed? – Development Zone in Association with Fidelity Adviser Solutions


Have you experienced imposter syndrome? You may have taken on additional responsibility, or recently started a new role, which has brought these feelings to the surface.

That voice in your head which questions whether you are good enough, or whether you are ready to progress in your career, can feel very loud, and often wins the day.

Deep down, you would love to accelerate your progress, and to realise your potential in your career. You may also feel like you just want to be yourself at work, and to no longer care what others may think.

All of these feelings and emotions can also be magnified when you work within a fast-moving sector like financial planning.

During this webinar we explored WHY and HOW you can start to build your inner confidence.

The session was around 30 minutes and included 15 minutes for questions.

During this session we will cover:

1. What this voice in our head is really like
2. The strong link between self-confidence and results
3. Steps you can take to build your inner confidence

This webinar was part of a 4 part series all the other webinars can be found on the Video section of the website


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