AXA Investment Managers is adopting a ‘Sustainability Impact’ label for the AXA People & Planet Equity fund, and two ‘Sustainabiltity Improver’ labels for the AXA UK Sustainable Equity and the AXA Global Sustainable Managed funds, under the FCA’s UK Sustainability Disclosure Requirements (SDR) regime.
AXA said the UK Sustainable Equity and AXA Global Sustainable Managed funds will continue to pursue both financial and sustainability objectives, aiming to support the transition to a net zero carbon economy by 2025.
The AXA People & Planet fund will adopt the ‘Sustainability Impact’ label and will continue to seek to make positive environmental and societal impacts across three themes, (i) the transition to a low carbon economy, (ii) protecting biodiversity and (iii) supporting social progress for all.
Jane Wadia, Head of Sustainability, Core Products & Clients at AXA IM said: “We are delighted to be an early adopter of the FCA’s SDR labelling regime by implementing labels for these three funds. This underscores the strength of our sustainable and impact investment approach and AXA IM’s commitment to supporting the transition towards a lower carbon economy.
“Impact investing is a growing category within the responsible investing landscape, and we consider listed equities as an asset class that provides an abundance of potential investment opportunities for investors seeking to generate financial returns and positive real-world outcomes on a global scale. The labels will serve to distinguish our sustainable products within our UK fund range, thereby simplifying the task for clients seeking sustainable investment opportunities.”
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