In March’s jam-packed issue we have 10 articles for you plus your usual favourites.
Our Paraplanner Profile maps the paraplanning career of Grant Callaghan, who was Para-Sols’ first graduate recruit and is now the firm’s head of paraplanning. Rob Kingsbury spoke to him about his views on paraplanning and his journey so far
Dan Atkinson, head of Technical at EQ Investors, looks at the final opportunity to use unused allowances from the 2015/16 tax year
Did you know you can use a buddy transfer for clients under the age of 55? Intelligent Pension’s Fiona Tait provides a case study
As well as our regular exam testing Q&A Catriona Standingford, MD of Brand Financial Training, looks at AF7, the exam with the lowest pass rate in 2018
And for our article Investing differently, Rob Kingsbury met with Marcel Bradshaw, head of UK Retail at Orbis, to talk about launching into the retail space, performance fees, democratising investing and the company’s status as a charitable trust
This issue’s articles also cover
• VCTs and pensions carry forward
• Why having an effective Centralised Retirement Proposition needs to become the norm
• 6 tips to help clients be better investment decision makers
• Using technology to make first impressions count when bringing on a new client
• What investment opportunities Europe might offer amid ongoing uncertainty
• And why the bigger picture must inform the selection of the right long-term tech solutions for wealth management firms