In a world where income investors are battling rising inflation and uncertainty around the direction of travel for yields, assets with steady incomes and predictable outcomes cease to exist. Interest rates are already at their lowest levels in many developed nations, and investors are being pushed up the risk spectrum in search of yield. But what about those that are nearing retirement that are unable to take on too much risk?
Against a complex backdrop of global macro uncertainty Fidelity will tackle the key issues currently shaping the landscape across traditional and alternative areas of the income universe. In particular, they will outline how income-seekers should look to allocate their assets, while also providing some practical tips to navigating this environment.
Learning outcomes
• Recognise some of the key macroeconomic themes that are contributing to the outlook for income-generating assets in 2021 and beyond.
• Gain an insight into how to navigate the uncertain environment through strategic asset allocation and different income options.
• Understand the benefits that risk-controlled solutions offer investors nearing retirement.
Structured CPD is being sought for the event and attendees are encouraged to create a learning statement of their own personal learning for documenting in their CPD log.